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Foto del escritorbennalicekatz

"ISRAEL, en letras bien grandes"

Una vez... por allá en el 2013 fuí a Cuba, entré a un restaurante y le tomé foto a escritos que habían en el techo, encontré éste que me encantó, decía ISRAEL y supe que no era coincidencia, era más bien una señal de a dónde debía ir.

Luego, después de 5 años fuí en abril 2018 a Tierra Santa, donde están mis raíces y el país donde más paz he sentido hasta la fecha.

Todo lo que nos pasa, no es pura casualidad, nuestra vida siempre tiene señales, es bueno estar atentos a todas y ser conscientes de la realidad que nos rodea y el norte de a dónde vamos.

En Israel realicé servicio militar de voluntariado y aprendí muchas cosas, la parte humana de un servicio tan riguroso como lo es SAREL: Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel. Vi todo el esfuerzo de un pueblo tan ordenado e inteligente (el gran porcentaje de premios Nobel y científicos son judíos) y a la vez pude ver a una nación que tiene que palear con problemas que no les pertenece pero que hace todo lo posible para mantener la paz (cosa que no se ve en las noticias).

Cuando iba de camino al aeropuerto de regreso, un taxista israelí me dijo lo siguiente: “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel”.

Y verdaderamente es así, la lucha de Israel es sobre un pueblo que por años lo único que ha sabido hacer es Sobrevivir.

"ISRAEL, in capital letters."

Once ... over there in 2013 I went to Cuba, I went to a restaurant and I took pictures of the writings that were on the ceiling, I found this one that I loved, said ISRAEL and I knew it was not a coincidence, it was rather a sign Where I should go.

Then, after 5 years, I went to the Holy Land in April 2018, where my roots are and the place where more peace I have felt.

Everything that happens to us is not pure coincidence, our life always has signs, it is good to be aware to all of the reality that surrounds us and the north that we want to follow.

In Israel I did volunteer military service and I learned many things, the human part of a service as rigorous as it is SAREL: Israel Defense Forces.

I saw all the effort of such an orderly and intelligent people (the large percentage of Nobel Prizes and Scientists are Jewish) and at the same time I could see a nation that has to deal with problems that do not belong to them but that do everything possible to maintain the peace (which is not seen in the news).

When I was on my way to the airport on my way back, an Israeli taxi driver told me the this:

"If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel. "

And this is true, the struggle of Israel is about a people that for years the only thing they have made is Survive.

Bennalice Katz

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Waoooo me encanta 💕🙏🙌 “ISRAEL, in capital letters”


Rebeca Santos
Rebeca Santos
Aug 23, 2018

Excelente escrito.

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